How To Grow Primroses From Seeds

How To Grow Primroses From Seeds

Primrose species grow in different areas from wet to dry, and sun to shade, depending on USDA location.

But they need part shade in hot summer sun locations.

The Primrose seeds are extremely small and can be sown indoors. 

Fill the pots with a potting soil with a layer of peat moss on top, thoroughly soak the soil and peat moss.

Make sure the soil is moist. You can soak the containers in water before sowing the seed. 

Scatter the seeds evenly on top of the soil and do not cover them, but press them into the soil lightly.

Primula seed needs light to germinate. Place the pots on a window sill, but indirect sun and a temperature between 39-50°F (4°-10°C) in a cool basement or garage. 

Keep the soil moist but not soggy while you wait. Use a spray bottle to mist them twice a day. 

Primroses will sprout approximately within 3-4 weeks. Sometimes, it may take longer.

Place a sheet of plastic wrap over the top (don’t seal or fold the edges under; allow some air in). 

Watch for germination in the third or fourth week, and let the plastic wrap in place for one more week or two as more seeds germinate. 

When most of the seeds have germinated, remove the plastic wrap, move the containers into a brighter light from a window or fluorescent light tubes and slightly warmer air (but not a warm room; it should still feel chilly).

Keep the Primrose seedlings in the container until they develop true leaves. Keep the soil moist by spraying seedlings with water.

Just make sure the young plants are large and strong enough to transplant them from the container intact and undisturbed into an outdoor area. 

Harden off before transplanting outdoors.

Transplant them in a spotted sun area, where you can water them easily.

Once the primrose plants are established, they will grow well and flower through the summer with little or no attention.

Primulas are able to withstand cold weather fairly well, but will not tolerate drying out and usually will not germinate in hot weather. 


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