How To Grow Vinca From Seeds
Vinca (Catharanthus roseus) are prolific annuals that produce bright flowers. They thrive in a well-draining, moist soil, in partial sun to full shade, and are perfect for hot, dry areas.
Once established Vinca is easy to grow, and requires little or no attention.
Vincas work well as spreading ground covers or border plants, and bloom from early spring to early fall.
Vinca are often grown as transplants, but they can be started from seed about 10 weeks before the last average frost, with appropriate care. They grow in U.S.D.A plant hardiness zones from 4 to 9.
✅ Amend the top 6 inches of soil with 1 inch of compost or manure when the soil and air temperatures maintain at least 65 F.
✅ Dig a hole in the soil large enough for the roots to fit comfortably. Carefully remove the plant from its pot and loosen the root ball. Set the plant into the hole and pack the soil around it. The soil should reach the same height as it did in the pot. Space Vinca 8 to 12 inches apart as a border plant or six to eight inches apart for ground cover.
✅ Apply a layer of bark mulch around the plants to help prevent fungal diseases, protect the plants from rainy weather and help the soil hold moisture.
Direct sowing Vinca seeds, is not recommended. However, if you are going to direct sow, adopt the exact same process as above.
Wait until the risk of frost has gone and temperature levels are constantly warm.
Just make sure the soil is well prepared, it is enough light and everything should be fine.
Vinca grow best in full sun areas or areas that get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. The soil should be well drained - these drought tolerant plants do not need a lot of water. Therefore, be careful not to overwater.
Deadheading is not needed for continuous blooms.
Vinca is deer and rabbit resistant.